Coloring products that do not contain an ammonia component have become an alternative to the usual paints. Quicktouch in UAE main feature is the gentle effect on the hair. Ammonia creates a highly alkaline environment during the dyeing process, to which the hairs react by changing their structure. They “open” keratin scales, literally ruffle, due to which the coloring pigment penetrates inside.

Moreover, the degree of its penetration is very high. It appears not only in the structure of the outer keratin layer but also inside the hair shaft. As a result, the natural tone of the hair changes at the molecular level: single dyeing with ammonia dye will never allow you to return to its natural shade.

Ammonia-free formulations work differently. They use other ingredients to make the hairs react to the dye. The most common is ethanolamine, its alternatives are:


These compounds with complex names also open hair scales, but to a much lesser extent. The coloring pigment remains on the surface of the hair shaft, envelops it, and does not penetrate deeply. Thanks to this, the best hair dye in UAE:

Does not destroy the natural pigment of the hair, allowing, if desired, to return to the natural shade;
Less damage to strands

Pros and cons of best hair dye in UAE

But these features also have drawbacks that are typical even for professional teams.

Less persistence to ammonia dyes. The color lasts no more than eight weeks. Without supporting toning, it will be bright for no more than two weeks, after which its intensity will begin to decrease.

Difficulty painting over gray hair. Not all ammonia-free formulations are able to hide gray strands. If this formulation is not on the package, then it is pointless to buy it for dyeing gray hair. It is important to choose special means for painting gray hair and take into account that their durability is low.

Impossibility of cardinal transformation. To go from dark hair color to a light one, it makes no sense to paint with “ammonia-free”. There will be no effect. To do this, you must first lighten the strands, and only then achieve the desired shade.

Fact. Quicktouch in UAE for pregnant women can be used. They do not penetrate either the hair structure or the scalp and do no harm to either the mother or the child. But before use, you must definitely do an allergic reaction test. During pregnancy, a woman’s body becomes more susceptible to allergens – even a well-known remedy can trigger an unexpected immune response.

Ammonia-free Best hair dye in UAE tinting hair dye.

It will not work to get a radically different color with its help, but maintaining the achieved shade for a long time is very even. Tinting paints work even softer than persistent ones: they form a tone only on the surface of the hairs and protect against unpleasant effects that appear several weeks after dyeing.

Toning you can get rid of yellowness, which violates the effective cold tone of blondes, and reddishness, which invariably appears in brown-haired women. The tone of Quicktouch in UAE lasts up to six weeks, after which you can return to its natural shade or dye your hair again without the slightest harm to them.